
A post that Judy wrote last year about Ten (feeble) excuses why our boat building is slow, points to the very restrictive nature of our shed (tarp) and its location in quiet suburbia.

Although the restrictions imposed by lack of knowledge and motivation (laziness) are probably the major contributor, the shed (tarp) is definitely a close second. So whilst making all sorts of promises we have had to bite the bullet and fix the shed (tarp). Therefore we are moving the whole operation to this 20m x 10m facility. The bonus is that it is located on a 5 acre site with a very comfortable home and another small workshop shed.


9 thoughts on “Shed”

    1. Thanks. The lack of walls was a particularly appealing factor, after having looked at so many other sheds that were too unbearably hot to even just stand in.

      BTW, how is your boat going – no updates for a while?

      1. Centre Boards, rudders, forebeam and centreboard cases completed. Working to get the money together for the rest of the kit.
        Weather good for working and bad for boat building at the moment.
        Will get back to posting when rest of kit ordered.

  1. I take it that your boat is strong enough to handle the move ?

    In other words you have put enough pieces together. LOL

    Bill Kelleher
    46′ Bertram Motoryacht
    Toledo, Ohio usa

    1. It’s not quite ready yet – about one week’s work left. Bob Oram has advised us to put the top and associated reinforcing in/on the back web/beam. We also need to do some taping under the fore/side decks. Nothing like a bit of pressure to get the job done!

  2. Hi Tom/Judy,
    Your boat building venture has inspired me to keep my dream alive and one day I hope to do the same. I love your site and I have learnt so much.f you get a free moment check out (if you haven’t already) the link below on the lecture of Wayfinding. I really enjoyed it.

    1. Good Day Stan,
      Thanks for the compliments and the link, keep the dream going, spend a little time off the treadmill.
      All the best.

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