Carbon masts for Binary

Update: We have decided not to acquire these spars for our rig from Harryproa and will make alternative arrangements.

Rob Denney and Mark Stephens from Harryproa have been working with us to design a pair of carbon masts for Binary. We have already purchased the carbon and Mark will be building the masts (and hopefully the wishbones) once the mast specifications have been determined.

In addition to the mast specs, it will be necessary to work out how and where the masts will be stepped in the hulls, as well as obtaining a rough idea of the sail specifications. We have a requirement of 50 square metres of sail area per sail, and a restriction of a sail foot length of approximately 5 metres. This restriction is due to the fact that the masts will be just over 5 metres apart and will rotate a full 360 degrees.

Tom and I are currently playing with a really nice piece of software called Sailcut to assist us in understanding and visualising the sails required. This software is provided for free by Robert & Jeremy Laine under the GNU General Public License and is available for Linux, Mac and Windows platforms.

The following photos were taken during Rob and Mark’s visit to the NT to look at Binary:


